Data call

The Ob7 data are stored in ad hoc databases. Access to data is controlled.

Terms of data access

The data access is authorised to Ob7 team and his service provider (under conditions). If you want some specific data, please fill the APPLICATION FORM.

Publication Policy

Feedback to Ob7

We ask users to send by mail at bibliographic references of publications which uses Ob7 softwares and/or the data collected by Ob7.

How cite the observatory or the data source in your publication ?

General information

If you use the Ob7 software or the data collected by the Ob7, please cite the Ob7 in all your publications with the below mention whitout any translation:

Ob7  Observatoire des Ecosystèmes Pélagiques Tropicaux exploités

For a scientific publications, this citation must be in the Remerciements ou Acknowledgments section, without any translation.

Moreover, if the data collection is funded by the EUMAP, you have to add in the document the mention:

“The data used were collected through the Data Collection Framework (Reg 2017/1004 and 2016/1251) funded by both IRD and the European Union.”

The next section presents for each type of data who are the funders.

Sources to cite for each type of data

  • Data Trip, Activity, Landing and Sampling (tool AVDTH): Source DPMA and IRD, data reported by IRD/Ob7, co-funded by the IRD and the EUMAP program for the collection of fisheries data (DCF);
  • Data Trip, Activity, Landing and Sampling (Balbaya): Source DPMA and IRD, data processing by IRD/Ob7, co-funded by the IRD and the EUMAP program for the collection of fisheries data (DCF);
  • Data from Local Market (AVDTH): Source IRD, data estimated by IRD/Ob7;
  • Data from onboard (ObServe): Source IRD/Ob7, co-funded by IRD and the EUMAP program for the collection of fisheries data (DCF);
  • Data from onboard observers (ObServe) as part of the OCUP program: Source Orthongel, data processing by IRD/Ob7, co-financed by Orthongel and France Filière Pêche (FFP);
  • Data of effort resulting from the confrontation of the various sources of data: Source DPMA and IRD/Ob7, data processing by IRD/Ob7;
  • FAD data: Orthongel source, data processing by IRD/Ob7;
  • Echo-sounder buoy data: Marine Instrument source, data processing by IRD/Ob7;
  • VMS data: DPMA source, data processing by IRD/Ob7.